Wunderbrow Gel Review- How Long Will it Last & Is it Safe

Wunderbrow Gel Review- How Long Will it Last & Is it Safe
Wunderbrow Gel Review- How Long Will it Last & Is it Safe

Achieving fuller thicker looking eyebrows is what many of us try to achieve almost every day. Effortless brows do require some amount of effort and it also tends to be time-consuming. And other solutions (microblading, brow tint,….) are usually very costly.

We are about to put a stop to all that hassle. Imagine doing your brows the night before, and waking up with well-done brows the next morning. Well then, that is Wunderbrow Gel for you.

So, keep reading as this article is a full guide with FAQs that will help you decide if it’s for you.

What Is Wunderbrow Used For

Wunder Brows are tinted gels used for grooming and filling in sparse areas of your brows, to make them look bold and fuller-looking. These gels come in a variety of shades and are easily applied.

Is Wunderbrow Permanent

Wunderbrow Gel application is not a Permanent/ Semi-permanent solution to thicker fuller looking brows. However, it will last you for a few days.

How Long Does Wonderbrow Last

Your Wunder brow gel may last you until 3 days maximum after application, as it does withstand a few washes. However, certain face cleansers and exfoliating scrubs may cause it to fade faster.

Is Wunderbrow Waterproof

Short answer Yes, Wunderbrows are waterproof, transfer-proof, and smudge-proof. Which is why it is widely used by many beauticians and within the makeup industry.

Will Wunderbrow Damage Brows

Using Wunder Brow Gel efficiently does not cause any harm to your eyebrow hairs. Wunder Brow Gel is considered safe once patch-tested 24 hours before using it, so as to check for any adverse or allergic reaction.

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How To Apply Wunderbrow

Before applying your Wunderbrow Gel, always ensure to do a Patch-Test 24 hours before using. Once you are clear of any adverse reactions, you may now proceed.

1 – Cleanse and Dry your Brows

Always make sure that your brows are clean and dry from oil and makeup residue. Ensuring that there are no barriers between your strand and the gel.

2 – Application to Eyebrow

Squeeze a bit of gel onto an angle brush and outline your brow from the tail upwards, after which you will now fill in the rest of the brow body.

3 – Groom Your Brows

After applying the gel, take a clean spoolie and gently brush your brow hairs in their growth direction (up and outward motions)

4 – Clean up Around the Brow

Finish off by using your concealer and clean up around your brows, so that they look well-defined.

Where To Get WunderBrow Gel

Wunderbrow gel can be located in your local shops or supermarkets. However, due to steady and fast sales, many shades go outs of stock fast. So to ensure your not just settling for a certain you can visit their website.

Or, click here to see the price and available options from their marketplace on Amazon.

What are the Side Effects of Wunderbrow

Wunderbrows are generally safe, once used on eyebrows to create bolder fuller-looking brows. There has been no case of long-term side effects. However, without Patch-Testing you can be at risk for:

  1. Swelling around the brow areas
  2. Itching and Irritation
  3. Burning sensation
  4. Redness discoloration and other adverse reaction
  5. Allergic Reactions

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Does Wunderbrow Work With No Eyebrows

Wunderbrows gel works just as effectively on persons with no eyebrows, as it does with persons with brow hairs. Its thin-like formulation will stick even to your skin, imitating naturally done brows.

How to apply Wunderbrow With No Eyebrows

Does Wunderbrow Cover Grey Hairs

Wunderbrow formulation is oil-free and very pigmented, meaning it can easily coat the grey hairs on your brows. Once applied correctly it will give you full coverage until 2-3 days.

How Do I Remove Wunderbrow from Brows

WUNDERBROW Oil-Based Cleanser is one of the most effective ways of completely removing your Wunderbrow gel tint. Apply on wet brows and gently massage until the tints are gone, do your final rinse and pat dry.

This Cleanser is available at Amazon. Click here to for more details and pricing

How to Get Rid Of Wunderbrow at Home

You can also try silicone-based or oil-based cleansers as they work just as fine as The WUNDERBROW Oil-Based Cleanser. This can be done be:

  1. Apply a bit of Natural oil or vaseline over your brow.
  2. gently massage it in between your hairs ensuring it reaches your skin under.
  3. Have it sit for a few minutes, so as to break down the stain for removal.
  4. Use a light exfoliation scrub and exfoliate your brows.
  5. Finally, you will now rinse, and pat dry.

Love WUNDERBROW but wants a more permanent fix? See our Articles on how to have fuller-looking brows longer.

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